Thursday, January 5, 2012

I Am

I am funny and kind
I wonder how big space is
I hear an elephant in my backyard
I see gold at the end of the rainbow
I want to end poverty
I am funny and kind

I pretend I have a pet hippo that does ballet
I feel famous
I touch koalas in Australia
I worry about my family
I cry when I get hurt
I a funny and kind

I understand how to read music
I say end world hunger
I dream about being a doctor
I try to get good grades
I hope the world is a friendlier place
I am funny and kind

My Mud

Slurp, Slurp
I chug down slop from the trough in front of me.
I roll around in my favorite pile of mud,
Dirt clouds up around me.
Flies are buzzing,
One lands in my food.
I can tell roosters are in the pin beside me,
Bawk! Bawk!
They seem to scornfully scream.
But I keep rolling.